Please contact SHANGHAI HENGCHUAN HARDWARE Co., Ltd. Customer service for the FOB of long drawer slides . We suggest customers place the order under this freight term. FOB means better logistics solution. Our local forwarding company will quote the best price and provide more than one solution. The response time to any delivery issues will be shorter. And FOB means better control and work efficiently. Customers can have better control of their budget. The cost is always important and they will have a better chance of gaining a more competitive freight rate.

With fully-integrated value chain, SHANGHAI HENGCHUAN HARDWARE achieves global distribution of Door Hinge. Aluminum handle produced by Hench is very popular in the market. Hench wrought iron door handle will be examined to meet or exceed the requirements for footwear materials. Skin contact safety, anti-bacterial resistance/sanitary, moisture resistance, and other aspects are up to the requirements. It is the acquirement of customers to Hench that motivates it to be more concentrated on producing finest Normal drawer slide.

Following the requirements of market and society, we will firmly grasp the main line of developing Door Hinge. Get an offer!