Stainless steel doors and windows are one of our common door and window categories, whether it is self-built houses in rural areas or residential quarters, you can see them. If you want the stainless steel doors and windows at home to last longer, the usual cleaning and maintenance are very important! The cleaning and maintenance of stainless steel doors and windows is not only cleaning the exterior of the door leaf or window frame, but also requires regular maintenance of its hardware accessories. Here are some key points for cleaning and maintenance of stainless steel door and window hardware accessories. 1. Stainless steel handles and other 'hardware' of stainless steel can be wiped with brightener to increase brightness. 2. Moving parts such as hinges, hanging wheels, casters, etc. may decrease their function due to the adhesion of dust during long-term movement. One or two drops of lubricating oil every six months can keep them smooth. 3. The handles of stainless steel doors and windows are frequently used parts. Remember to use brute force when using them, and pay attention to the direction when rotating and stretching. If there are children in the house, teach them not to swing and hang on the door handle, because this is simply dangerous and may damage the lock body of the door. 4. When the lock core is not sensitive to rotation, scrape a small amount of black powder from the pencil core and blow it into the keyhole lightly. This is because the graphite component in between is a good solid lubricant. Avoid dripping lubricating oil, as this will make it easier to adhere to dust. Hardware accessories can be said to be the backbone of stainless steel doors and windows. If you want to choose a good hardware accessory, you must not save money on hardware accessories, you can't save it, you can't save it! Don't neglect the hardware after buying the doors and windows, this is embarrassing. Good doors and windows with good hardware can complement each other.