Delivery times vary by project. Contact us to find out how we can help to meet your required delivery schedule. SHANGHAI HENGCHUAN HARDWARE Co., Ltd. can provide better delivery time because we maintain an appropriate level of stock raw materials. In order to provide the best support to our customers, we have strengthened and optimized our internal processes and technologies so that we can manufacture and deliver Aluminum handle faster.
SHANGHAI HENGCHUAN HARDWARE is considered as an expert in the Slide rail industry. Normal drawer slide is one of Hench's multiple product series. With the help of our skilled engineers, Hench drawer slide has been given an innovative, aesthetically-appealing and useful design. It works as a creative and ingenious solution in maximizing the space, making the space functional, impacting the quality of life of its occupants, and aesthetically pleasing.
For our business, sustainability is an integral part of our activities and is something that employees are constantly aware of. We're fully compliant with all local and regional environmental requirements governing the use of energy and the treatment of emissions.