SHANGHAI HENGCHUAN HARDWARE Co., Ltd. intends to establish some offices abroad, depending on business development and market demand. We believe that setting up an office abroad can have many positive effects, such as expanding brand awareness and having access to technical skills or regional knowledge. The local office will give us the opportunity to identify and exploit opportunities in our target market. It will also give us the flexibility to control operations and expand if necessary. We also believe customers will take us more seriously for customer service reasons if we have a local base.

As a firm with national and global competitiveness, SHANGHAI HENGCHUAN HARDWARE mainly concentrates on producing ss handles. As one of Hench's multiple product series, Cabinet Hinge series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. The product features chemical resistance properties. Even used in highly corrosive solution environments, it will not cause any reaction. Dressing this product will be a great experience. It will not easily cause problems related to the skin, such as itching, irritation, stiffness, or clinging.

We bear social responsibilities. We strive to make a difference in the local communities where our employees live and work. Through donations and sponsorships, we support organizations that share our goal to help make a difference.