To tell the truth, it is compulsory for those Aluminum handle factories to get the qualifications for exports, so as to run the business with foreign enterprises legally and smoothly. When choosing factories, please confirm that they have the related legal certificates or approval for exports. Those qualifications mean that the factories have got approval from the Commerce Bureau, Customs, Inspection and Quarantine, Foreign Exchange Administration, and other departments and their businesses are totally legal. Customers are worry-free to partner with them.
SHANGHAI HENGCHUAN HARDWARE has been receiving wide popularity in Concealed Drawer Slide industry since its establishment. Hinge is one of SHANGHAI HENGCHUAN HARDWARE Co., Ltd.'s multiple product series. Hench Concealed Drawer Slide is designed using the latest advanced design concept, giving the product a more aesthetically appealing look. The product features high wear-resistance. When exposed to grinding, knocking or scratching, it will not easily damage the surface.
We aim to be problem-solvers and partners, not just producers. We listen to customers and make what they want us to make. Then we deliver quickly-- minus any bureaucratic fuss.